The relation between demand $q$ and price $p$ is given by $q(p) = \dfrac{210}{p}$. Determine the avereage change in demand if the price decreaes from $p=10$ to $p=7$.
The relation between demand $q$ and price $p$ is given by $q(p) = \dfrac{210}{p}$. Determine the avereage change in demand if the price decreaes from $p=10$ to $p=7$.
Antwoord 1 correct
Antwoord 2 optie
Antwoord 2 correct
Antwoord 3 optie
Antwoord 3 correct
Antwoord 4 optie
Antwoord 4 correct
Antwoord 1 optie
Antwoord 1 feedback
Correct: The difference quotient is $\dfrac{\Delta q}{\Delta p} = \dfrac{q(7)-q(10)}{7-10} = \dfrac{30-21}{-3} = -3$.

Go on.
Antwoord 2 feedback
Wrong: Pay attention to the order of $q(p)$ and $q(p+\Delta p)$ in the nominator or check how you determined $\Delta p$.

See also Example 1.
Antwoord 3 feedback
Wrong: The change in $p$ is $\Delta p = 7 - 10 \neq 10$.

See also Example 1.
Antwoord 4 feedback
Wrong: The change in $p$ is $\Delta p = 7 - 10 \neq 7$.

See also Example 1.