Consider the production function $P(t)=\sqrt{t}$. Determine the rate of production at $t=16$.
Consider the production function $P(t)=\sqrt{t}$. Determine the rate of production at $t=16$.
Antwoord 1 correct
Antwoord 2 optie
Antwoord 2 correct
Antwoord 3 optie
Antwoord 3 correct
Antwoord 4 optie
Antwoord 4 correct
Antwoord 1 optie
Antwoord 1 feedback
Correct: The rate of production is $P'(t)=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{t}}$. At $t=16$ this gives $P'(16)=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{16}}=\frac{1}{8}$.

Go on.
Antwoord 2 feedback
Wrong: The rate of production at $t=16$ is not $P(16)$.

See Rate production process
Antwoord 3 feedback
Wrong: The production rate is not equal to the elasticity.

See Rate production process and Elasticity.
Antwoord 4 feedback
Wrong: The rate of production cannot be found by taking the difference quotient with $t=0$ and $\Delta t=16$.

See Rate production process.